Friday, April 19, 2024

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Why You Should Not Follow The Majority?

Does the Majority Really matter? Mark Twain once said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and...

CV vs Resume: The ultimate use and differences!

What are the differences between a CV and a resume? A frequently asked question of job incumbents is whether to use a CV or a...

7 Essential Life Skills For Students to Become More Productive

Importance of Life Skill for Students Are you restricted to only reading books during your university life? Have you ever focused on learning some...

5 Best Learning Apps for Students

Without These Study Apps for Students, Your Smartphone isn’t “Smart” Enough. There are plenty of Learning Apps in the online market. But the right one...

Best 7 Effective Morning Routine Apps to Set Your Day

People are embracing the morning routine apps to become more productive in the age of technology. Even if we aren't all-natural morning people, many...

Morning Habits: 6 Tips for a Highly Productive Day

Why Morning Habits Matter to Be More Productive? Productive morning habits are the key to a successful life. Do you start your day with a...

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How to Write an Effective Professional Email? (8 Pro Guidelines)

Why is it important to know the purpose of professional email? You shouldn’t have clicked on this article. Because effective professional email writing is so hard and it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. Just kidding!!!...
How do you make the best use of university life

6 Secrets in the University Life That No One Tells You About

Campus Life: From a Student to a Future Employee! University life or campus life is one of the most interesting, challenging, and empowering times for youth. Two third of people who have left university life...
effective leadership and managerial skills

Managerial Skills: Be a Mastermind Manager

Some Secrets Formula Behind Effective Managerial Skills. Let's get it straight. There are very few management books in this world that help you to boost up leadership and managerial skills. The lessons that you are...
Ways to overcome the fear of public speaking

5 Useful Tips to Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking Anxiety

What Causes The Fear of Public Speaking? Public speaking anxiety is a common phenomenon. Even 1 in 5 people being worried about presenting in front of a big audience. In order to overcome the...

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