Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thinking About Best Morning Routine for Success? Read These 10 Tips!

Why the best morning routine is important?

The best morning routine is driven by how you plan your days. Almost everyone’s morning routine has been turned entirely upside down in the last 15 months. Even though morning routines are an intriguing topic.

In this new world, yielding great morning routines can be difficult due to lockdowns, self-isolation, and working from home.

But nothing is impossible if you have strong determination and an object-oriented mind.

Since we are going to share some tips for starting a morning routine, let’s talk about how to actually stick to a morning routine once you’ve created one. 

After all, a morning routine can be beneficial to your metabolism, mental and physical health, and overall well-being, but it can be difficult to stick to overtime. Because being a morning person is not something that develops over time.

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

-John C. Maxwell

You need to devote a significant amount of effort and dedication. Almost all personal development experts, from Brian Tracy to Tony Robbins, claim that it takes 21 days to build a new habit.

In this post, you’ll find 10 tips to help you stick to the best morning routine for success so that you can make it part of your daily life instead of a well-thought-out plan.

Practice SAVERS by Hal Elrod to Change Your Life Completely

This includes six habits or rituals that can improve your morning routines. These habits are created by Hal Elrod, the writer of the popular book, “The Miracle Morning”. The Six rituals are-

  • Silence (Meditation or prayer in the morning)
  • Affirmations- (Practice positive affirmations or gratefulness)
  • Visualisation
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing- (Journaling and writing)

The Miracle Morning

According to him, these rituals can improve our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual help. So, why not start your day by practicing SAVERS. Allow some time to practice every morning. 

Thinking About Best Morning Routine for Success? Read These 10 Tips!

Here are my own 10 best morning routine habits to bring shine in life.

1.Start off making your bed

“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” 

William H.McRaven

One of the favorite quotes by Admiral William H.McRaven. While addressing the class of the University of Texas at Austin on their commencement day, he shared the ten principles that can be used to change themselves and the world for the better. 

Must Read: Best 7 Effective Morning Routine Apps to Set Your Day

With over 10 million views, Admiral McRaven’s original speech went viral. He described his military career experiences and the people he met who faced adversity and made difficult decisions with drive, compassion, honor, and courage.

According to him-

  • A person who makes his bed every morning accomplishes the first task of the day.
  • It will bring you a small sense of accomplishment and will motivate you to complete other tasks.
  • By the end of the day, that one finished work will have multiplied into a slew of others.
  • Making your bed will also serve as a reminder that the simple things in life are important.
  • If you can’t do the small things correctly, you’ll never be able to accomplish the large things correctly.

2. Move or stretch your body

Most successful people do some basic exercise because it improves their moods. Incorporating exercise into your morning routine is perhaps the best way to boost your metabolism and helps to stay focused all day long.

Read more: 10 Amazing Benefits of Morning Workout Routine

After making your bed, what else do we do?

Maybe you head straight to the bathroom, brush your teeth.

Now, have some time at least 10 to 15 minutes for yoga or other basic exercises.

This helps stretch every single muscle in my body, it gets the blood flowing, it wakes up my heart, and at the same time, it eases me into the day.

It doesn’t always have to be a full-on yoga routine or even have the purpose of supplementing your regular workout.

It can just be a way to get your blood flowing and, TBH, to tap into the nice feeling of a good stretch. 

3. Stop scrolling on social feeds

Stop doing these now if you want to get up early in the morning and have a productive day. When most people wake up in the morning, they do the same thing.

They pick up their phone and begin reading through their social media feeds or checking their emails. This is a sedentary activity that prevents you from being productive first thing in the morning.

When you check your phone, you’re inviting a stream of stimuli and nonsense into your brain.

Because your smartphones include a plethora of possible stressors such as news alerts, credit card bills, and e-mail notifications, to name a few.

So, if you are perusing the internet first thing in the morning, realize that you are delaying your entire morning routine. Don’t get caught up in the craziness.

4. Drink a glass of water

Before you take your first meal, dehydrate yourself with a glass of water. Some people prefer to drink warm water with fresh lemon. This is a healthy habit after waking up in the morning. After functioning your body, now you are ready for your first meal of the day. 

5. Eat within the first hour

“It is ideal to break the fast from the night before and eat within the first hour of waking to stimulate your metabolism,”


To function at its best, your body requires fuel. Your morning routine should undoubtedly include nutritious foods such as healthy fats, organic proteins, and a plethora of colorful vegetables.

What you eat first thing in the morning is mostly determined by your body type and what works best for you.

Eggs white, banana, dates, peanut butter, walnuts, and are some of my favorite breakfast foods in the morning.

6. Schedule your day

You will be less likely to procrastinate throughout the day if you schedule your day with good intent.

Start writing all the due tasks in a journal. Figure out and combat the most difficult and the least favorite tasks of the day. I mean prioritize your work.

7. Empower your affirmations

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”


Why are you going to do this? This is something you should do to boost your self-esteem. Empowerment Affirmations are simply texts, quotations, or other reminders that remind you to be the greatest version of yourself. One of the best morning routine that I love most.

You may condition your mind for success by reading these inspiring affirmations every morning.

With just enough repetition, these reminders become beliefs, and your thoughts and behaviors are influenced by these ideas.

Are you ready for affirmations? Here are some examples you could follow-

  • I am strong and courageous.
  • I am responsible for my own life.
  • I create my own path.

8. Prioritize your work

“As all entrepreneurs know, you live and die by your ability to prioritize,” Jessica Jackley, an American businesswoman, remarked.

Each day and night, you must concentrate on the most important, mission-critical tasks, and then share, delegate, postpone, or skip the rest.”

So, to make your mornings more productive, start by prioritizing the things that are most important to you. Because your mind remains calm, clear and the office is also quiet.

You may have a long list of tasks due for a day, but they are not equally important. 

As Steven R. Covey says, “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”

9. Read books

Sleep is good but books are better. This is why people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Robbins, and Warren Buffett read so many books.

Let’s talk about Tony Robbins, who grew up with an alcoholic mother and a series of abusive fathers.

He acknowledges books with rescuing his life and molding him into the man he is today. Reading aroused an interest in him. “I took a speed-reading school and read 700 books in seven years, all on psychology, physiology, and anything else that could help people.”

So start building reading habits with a fresh mind and list this item to your best morning routine habits. This habit will make you a highly skilled individual.

When you start your day reading books on personal development, self-care, and career, you feed your mind with high-quality inputs that motivate you throughout the day.

10. Write down your ideas and thoughts

Morning is the best time to write something new that may be your ideas, plans or goals. What you read in the morning, write some of the important lines that help you to remember.

Some people write blog posts or books in the morning because science says our brain remains calm and sharp at that time.

Wrap Up

Having a productive day during this pandemic time is really essential. I am sure these amazing productivity tips might work for you.  The best morning routines could vary from person to person.

Successful people have already adopted these rituals. Here are some quick benefits yielded from the best morning routines of them

  • Take full control of your day.
  • Helps to stop procrastinating and prioritize your work.
  • Make it easier to adopt a healthy and productive life.

So, think twice about having a morning routine. Rise and shine. 

Hey, I have shared my best morning routine plans purposefully, do you have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comment box. 

Don't Miss!

Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah is a career counseling expert and a faculty member at Varendra University. He has a master’s degree in Management from the University of Rajshahi and has been teaching academic subjects for more than 7 years. Mr. Tota has a passion for helping others win with their personal development and career and has been writing about self-growth and lifestyle matters for 3 years. Youth Rider is the result of his dream and passion to share the knowledge and information that would ultimately help people around the world.

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