Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Multitasking: 6 Effective Ways to Boost Your Skills!

What is Multitasking?

To most people, multitasking refers to coordinating two or more things or activities at the same time.

However, that definition is technically incorrect. Because the human brain can only effectively focus on one item/task at a time, when someone is multitasking, they are really switching focus between activities so fast that it appears that they are working on many things at the same time.

Multitasking refers to a person’s capacity to accomplish more than one thing at a time, in the case of humans. We frequently perform many tasks at the same time without even recognizing them.

For example, watching TV while speaking with a buddy, working while listening to music, or strolling while conversing with someone. It would be a much greater exercise for your brain if you can do your task accurately and efficiently.

But in today’s faster world, we need to perform so many tasks at the same time. However, getting things done is not always smooth.

By using a few approaches, you can quickly become a multitasker. This post will go through a few of these techniques. So, let’s get these.

How Can You Improve Your Multitasking Skills?

1) Make an action plan

If you want to avoid being hectic in the coming days or weeks, make a list of things you want to do the next day at the end of each day.  Decide which is the most significant and which is the least important.

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This will give you an idea of what you need to perform the next day or what issues you may encounter. At the same time, combine related jobs. This will help you to save time by completing comparable chores at the same time.

2) Prioritizing important tasks

It is critical to recognize which of your tasks is more vital so that you may devote more time to that activity.

As a consequence, you’re less prone to make errors when doing critical activities. Another approach to make use of your job priority list is to handle all of your top-priority tasks at the same time.

You can also read: 7 Insightful Tips to Stop Wasting Time!

Think about what went wrong on your priority to-do list every evening or at the end of the day during your free time, and how you can fix it. Attempt to fix them at the same time. Maintain fixed attention while working.

The Urgent/Important Principle, developed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, can help you rapidly decide which things you should prioritize and which you should disregard.

You can deal with really urgent situations while working toward essential, longer-term goals when you utilize this tool to organize your time.

To utilize the tool, make a list of all of your chores and activities and categorize them as follows:

  • Important and urgent.
  • Important but not urgent.
  • Not important but urgent.
  • Not important and not urgent.

Then scheduled tasks and activities should be based on their importance and urgency level.

3) Use Time Wisely

When you can easily create a list of tasks that are important to you and similar, share your time when you do a task. For example, if you need to send a few e-mails for any information, try to complete the e-mail work by sending all the e-mails at once. 

As well as spending a certain amount of time throughout the day on social media, without spending a small amount of time on social media.

Do whatever you want to communicate with through social media during this time, share your favorite things or read any new information. This will reduce the waste of your time.

4) Avoid Distractions 

It is important to focus on the task at hand. Always try to avoid things that can distract you while working For example, when you do any important work in the office, turn off the mobile phone or put it in Silent Mode.

This is how you work from home, try to keep family life separate.

5) Increase practice 

This is the most important thing. No matter what you do, there is no substitute for practice if you want to be proficient in that task or get the job done in less time.

When you have the skills to work in less time, you can easily do more than one thing at a time. So practice a lot in any job and keep improving your skills.

6) Adhere to punctuality

Strive to complete tasks within the allotted time. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do now. This just adds to the amount of work you have to do.

As a result, respond quickly. Finish the task as early as feasible on the appointed day. This will save you time while also giving you more time to focus on new projects.

Is Multitasking Bad?

So the myth of multitasking is really a problematic issue to many people. But everyone texts while walking or travelling, emails during meetings, and talks on the phone while preparing dinner.

In today’s world, doing only one activity at a time appears to be opulent, if not wasteful. This is why recent research suggests that it actually hurts your performance and may even harm your brain.

One of the recent study of Harvard University shows that multitaskers perform less and miss information, based on almost a half-century of cognitive research and more recent studies on multitasking.

Re-orienting to a core activity after a distraction such as an email takes time, which is 15 minutes on average.

The efficiency of a company might decline by as much as 40%. Long-term memory is harmed, and creativity which the ability to remember numerous, less typical associations is harmed.

Multitasking is less productive than performing one item at a time, according to Stanford University research.

People who are routinely inundated with several streams of electronic information are unable to pay attention, retain information, or move from one task to another as well as individuals who perform one task at a time, according to the study.

On the other hand, another study by a neuropsychologist Cynthia Kubu, PhD adds that we’re hardwired to be monotaskers, which means our brains can only focus on one task at a time.

She also suggests that “Most of the time, when we believe we’re multitasking, we’re actually executing discrete acts in quick succession, or task-switching,”


To sum up, despite facing challenges and debate, in today’s organization sometime we need to perform so may task at a time.

So being good at multitasking definitely improve your performance at work and attain the level of productivity your company desires. For this, you must adopt a slow-moving attitude.

Because a task may not occur on its whole, becoming nervous or worried will have an impact on your other duties throughout the day. 

As a result, strive to maintain mental tranquility. At the same time, put in a lot of practice time. Because there is no such thing as too much practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at multitasking.

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Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah is a career counseling expert and a faculty member at Varendra University. He has a master’s degree in Management from the University of Rajshahi and has been teaching academic subjects for more than 7 years. Mr. Tota has a passion for helping others win with their personal development and career and has been writing about self-growth and lifestyle matters for 3 years. Youth Rider is the result of his dream and passion to share the knowledge and information that would ultimately help people around the world.

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