Saturday, April 27, 2024

Managerial Skills: Be a Mastermind Manager

Some Secrets Formula Behind Effective Managerial Skills.

Let’s get it straight. There are very few management books in this world that help you to boost up leadership and managerial skills. The lessons that you are going to learn from the book “Corporate Chanakya” by Radhakrishnan Pillai are to know effective leadership and managerial skills list.

This management book will help you to be a good manager of your both personal and professional life.

But the one we are going to talk about here is like a rare piece of the collection.

It will help you not only to learn the hidden secrets of management but also how to apply them effectively in life.

This book shares some extraordinary secrets of becoming a good entrepreneur, a good leader, a good boss, and eventually a good employee.

We have summarized this book in a smart and succinct manner for the readers to attain the basic teaching within a very short span of time.

So, brace yourself to be amazed.

Recommended Reading: 5 Top Skills Companies Are Looking for in 2021

Top Managerial Skills List from the Book of Corporate Chanakya

Part 1: Leadership

Leadership starts with power, be it financial, man, intellectual, or anything else. Then power comes along with responsibilities. After attaining a certain desired position, people stop developing their values, virtues. After that, they started to feel as if they have achieved whatever they were seeking.

Be a mastermind manager
Image credit: Unsplash

But the author says it’s a common mistake of the leaders that might result in serious consequences in the future.

On the other hand, protecting power is much harder than gaining.

He suggested 6 negative behaviors to avoid that can help a leader to control his senses, protect his position, and to stay on top-

Lust – (deep hunger for a worldly object such as power, money)

  • Anger
  • Greed
  • Pride
  • Arrogance and
  • Over Excitement

Happiness is contagious, spreads from person to person. So, the author suggests that a leader must be an energetic, active, and jolly person. Because it will create a positive revive in his surroundings and among his subordinates.

Another crucial advice given by the author is, a leader must remain respectful towards their competitors or even enemies. They need to possess managerial skills also. No matter what the situation is, a leader’s actions should not be guided by hatred or anger.

Part 2: Management Skills

Today or tomorrow or ten years from now, who knows, you might cogitate about becoming an entrepreneur. In that situation what proficiency would you require the most?

Any guesses?

Well, you probably have guessed it right. You would require a profound understanding of managerial skills or management skills and pieces of knowledge.

It is believed that in this 21 century, those who will be able to communicate with and maintain relationships with people practically will rise to the summit of success.

The author has outlined the main philosophy of this immutable requirement which is to put people’s welfare first before the personal goal.

Reflecting on this philosophy, he talked about one of the critical parts associated with management, decision-making ability.

According to him, every particular big deal or decision should consider these three aspect-

  • Financial Aspects – the welfare of the organization /business.
  • Human Aspects – the welfare of the people associated with the organization.
  • Social Aspects – the welfare of the society’s environment.

Although this chapter has been specially dedicated to managers, entrepreneurs. It focuses on how to manage the human resources in an efficient manner but people of any section have a lot to learn from this.

Part 3: Training

This is one of the way to utilize your key potentials. Your leadership and managerial skills will be influential through training.

By the term, “Training” you must be thinking about some organizational or institutional training the author has talked about.

But that is not the case, he has prioritized the importance of self – training, the guidance through which you can utilize your full potential and ultimately boost your leadership and managerial skills.

A little investment today can yield enormous profit tomorrow, don’t you agree?

This little investment should be in form of self-discipline, that’s what the author thinks.

How do you build unbreakable self discipline as Management Skills?

At this part of the book, he shared some of the most effective self – disciplined techniques. Such as-

#Planning a day in advance –

Learning managerial skills need a blueprint of all actions. An advance planning of your next day, increases productivity, helps to make the most of your day, provide flexibility in case of some unexpected events.

#Avoiding being impulsive –

It is quite usual to experience some hindrance while carrying out daily activities. But you should have to firm mentality towards performing your responsibilities.

No matter what situation you are going through. Do not sway by emotions. It is essential to think logically when it comes to giving your best to your work.

Recommended Reading: Find The Best Version of Yourself: Be The Achiever

#Becoming Proactive – 

Being an active person is great. But being a proactive person is the greatest thing to be and pays off a lot to the person. The author has successfully awakened our insights to the fact that remaining ready for tackling any problem even before it arrives is a sign of a pro-active person.

This practice will not only make you a focused but also a sharp-minded person. He avers this quality is not something which is inborn, with seer determination and effort anyone can attain this.

To the students, he has advised to look beyond the degrees and jobs. As he wrote-they must vowed to be a lifelong apprentice. A burning desire to go extra miles for gathering practical knowledge should be a daily companion of them.

Radhakrishnan Pillai 

The techniques author mentioned in this book if you can thoroughly follow and apply them properly in life will definitely produce results beyond your imagination. Keep the faith, keep trying.

Read more: 5 Top Skills Companies Are Looking for in 2021

Don't Miss!

Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah is a career counseling expert and a faculty member at Varendra University. He has a master’s degree in Management from the University of Rajshahi and has been teaching academic subjects for more than 7 years. Mr. Tota has a passion for helping others win with their personal development and career and has been writing about self-growth and lifestyle matters for 3 years. Youth Rider is the result of his dream and passion to share the knowledge and information that would ultimately help people around the world.

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