Friday, May 3, 2024
how to be happy in life?

How to be happy when you are sad? (8 Tips)

In our childhood, being happy was not a difficult thing. If we get a  favorite toy, we became happy.If we get to eat our...
10 ways to improve self confidence and self-control

10 Powerful Ways to Improve Self-Control and Willpower

What is Self-Control and Self-Confidence? Why self-control is necessary? It allows humans to execute any functions, helps to take decisions, plan, monitor eventually drives people...
Self-improvement tips for improving yourself

Self Improvement: 5 Practical Ways You Can Do in Your Daily...

Why Is Self Improvement Important? Self improvement is a lifelong process and the idea of 'complete' self-development is a scam. Every moment we spend, every...
What should you do everyday to build healthy morning habits?

9 healthy morning habits to follow every day

Do you want a healthy life? You want to own a healthy lifestyle. So, start in the morning. Start the day with some healthy morning...
Is procrastination really bad?

Why is Procrastination Bad For Students?

Experts have uncovered why do students put off important tasks until the last time? Many people think that procrastination is the same thing as...
Tony Robbins financial advice

Tony Robbins: 6 Money Tips to Get Financial Freedom

How to Plan Your Money Before the 30s? Money is a strange thing & it's a big differentiator in your life. It is the symbol...
best life changing books to read in your 30s

Best 7 Life Changing Books to Change Your Perspective on Life

If you're one of those who enjoy knowledge and reflection, I invite you to understand and delight yourself with these life changing books to...
কিভাবে লিঙ্কডইন প্রোফাইল তৈরি করবেন?

LinkedIn Profile: 13 Powerful Tips for Job Seekers

Why is having a LinkedIn Profile so Important? Do You spend much time building a powerful LinkedIn Profile? Let us know in the comment section. You...
জীবনকে সহজ করার উপায় কি?

How to Improve Yourself in Personal Life Consistently?

How to Improve Yourself Everyday? Is it not extremely difficult to live the life that we wish we had? Yeah, it is but possible. To...
what to do if your lose your job in pandemic?

What to Do If You Lose Your Job and Have No...

Don't get panic when you lose your job. It's not your fault because not everything is in our control.The world is passing a worst...